: The curb may display a black strip during a race on certain tracks. : The game may display random green corruption if Depth of Field is enabled from in-game settings. Standard NVIDIA Control Panel - 8.1.940.0 Open Computing Language (OpenCL software) 1.2 for NVIDIA Kepler and later GPUs This release supports the following APIs: Users may see a black screen when launching a game on a monitor using DSC (Display Stream Compression). : The game may crash to the desktop when starting a race. Flickering occurs on Dell S2417DG and Dell S2716DG monitors.when playing YouTube or Twitch videos at 144 Hz. Random flicker may occur in multi-monitor configurations when G-SYNC is enabled. :Game will crash to desktop when launched on GeForce RTX 30 series graphics cards. :On some Turing-based notebooks, users may see a black window when playing back a video in a web browser.

: The internal panel flashes upon resume from sleep mode or from display off. : Users may see a drop in performance during gameplay. : With G-SYNC enabled on some Freesync displays, half of the screen goes black. : Media Offline errors occur when decoding H.256 media, such as when seeking frames. : The application freezes when toggling the Magic Bullet Looks option. Updated the SLI profile for Black Deset

NVIDIA Control Panel > Manage 3D Settings “MaxQ Dynamic Boost” setting renamed to “Dynamic Boost”
The November NVIDIA Studio Driver provides optimal support for the latest creative applications including the DaVinci Resolve 17 Beta, Keyshot 10, Notch, Topaz Video Enhance AI, BorisFX Continuum 2021, Red Giant Trapcode Suite 16, and Magic Bullet Suite 14.
To achieve the highest level of reliability, Studio Drivers undergo extensive testing against multi-app creator workflows and multiple revisions of the top creative applications from Adobe to Autodesk and beyond. NVIDIA Studio Drivers provide artists, creators, and 3D developers the best performance and reliability when working with creative applications.