Life is feudal wiki willpower
Life is feudal wiki willpower

at 0, you can train this skill up by Studying Nature, an action choice when you right click any tile of nature ( grass, soil, tree, rock, etc) which raises the skill untill 30. Okay, so you know what new menu and requirements this new feature brings, HOW do you research and discover the objects, buildings, and equipment? simple but not easy:

#Life is feudal wiki willpower how to#

But you will not know how to make that object, building or object unless you also have the skill to make it. Technology & Research menu has NO CAP, you can learn any technology, building or object. If it is unknown to you, you cannot craft that item, although if you find a crafted one, you can use it if it is usable. In this new Menu, it would look very similiar to the skills menu, with each skill in it, but instead of the skill level, it would be each object, building, or equipment crafted by that skill, and it will show if it is known or unkown to you yet. How to Pass on & Teach Technology ( the title says it all)Ī new menu should be made, called Technology & Research, which tells your Technology and Knowledge. Skills that do not require technology (The skils that do not require researching to craft the items they give you)

life is feudal wiki willpower

Breakthrough (Breakthrough or Bonuses in researching) Studying (the actual Researching and how it works in detail) Researching & Learning (New minor skil Researching, and what it does) Technology & Research (New Menu and what it has and does) THIS SUGGESTION IS ONLY FOR CRAFTING SKILLS, NOT COMBAT SKILLS. So i wondered if there was a way people for somereason are unable to wear, craft or build certain stuff becouse they do not have proper Technology & Knowledge! Today me and my norse clan were hanging about in our city, when i saw one of us wearing complete plate armor and thought to myself wow, plate armor really makes us look unnordic, although it also isnt that good in pvp, people will always use it couse its plate fucking armor, who doesnt want to wear it. Do Not Think he wont becouse it is too big, Do not think he wont becouse its too hard.

life is feudal wiki willpower

If YOU vote this up, this can actaully be implemented before realease, so if you like this suggestion ,VOTE and HELP so it is READ BY BOBIK so he can implement this big feature. HOURS has been spent thinking this, please READ.

Life is feudal wiki willpower